HTTP ConstantsΒΆ

sttp provides constants for common HTTP header names, media types, and status codes.

Constants for common header names are provided by the HeaderNames trait and object.

Constants for common media types are provided by the MediaTypes trait and object.

Constants for common status codes are provided by the StatusCodes trait and object.

Example with objects:

import com.softwaremill.sttp._

object Example {
  val request = sttp.header(HeaderNames.ContentType, MediaTypes.Json).get(uri"")
  implicit val backend = HttpURLConnectionBackend()
  val response = request.send()
  if (response.code == StatusCodes.Ok) println("Ok!")

Example with traits:

import com.softwaremill.sttp._

object Example extends HeaderNames with MediaTypes with StatusCodes {
  val request = sttp.header(ContentType, Json).get(uri"")

  implicit val backend = HttpURLConnectionBackend()
  val response = request.send()
  if (response.code == Ok) println("Ok!")
For more information see