
sttp supports basic, bearer-token based authentication and digest authentication. Two first cases are handled by adding an Authorization header with the appropriate credentials.

Basic authentication, using which the username and password are encoded using Base64, can be added as follows:

basicRequest.auth.basic(username, password)

A bearer token can be added using:


Digest authentication

This type of authentication works differently. In its assumptions it is based on an additional message exchange between client and server. Due to that a special wrapping backend is need to handle that additional logic.

In order to add digest authentication support just wrap other backend as follows:

val myBackend: SttpBackend[R, S, WS_HANDLER] = ???
new DigestAuthenticationBackend(myBackend)

Then only thing which we need to do is to pass our credentials to the relevant request:

val secureRequest = basicRequest.auth.digest(username, password)

It is also possible to use digest authentication against proxy:

val secureProxyRequest = basicRequest.proxyAuth.digest(username, password)

Both of above methods can be combined with different values if proxy and target server use digest authentication.

To learn more about digest authentication visit wikipedia

Also keep in mind that there are some limitations with the current implementation:

  • there is no caching so each request will result in an additional round-trip (or two in case of proxy and server)
  • authorizationInfo is not supported
  • scalajs supports only md5 algorithm
  • it doesn’t work in scala-native