Multipart requests

To set a multipart body on a request, the multipartBody method should be used (instead of body). Each body part is represented as an instance of Part[BasicRequestBody], which can be conveniently constructed using multipart methods coming from the sttp.client package.

A single part of a multipart request consist of a mandatory name and a payload of type:

  • String
  • Array[Byte]
  • ByteBuffer
  • InputStream
  • Map[String, String]
  • Seq[(String, String)]

To add a file part, the multipartFile method (also from the com.softwaremill.sttp package) should be used. This method is overloaded and supports File/Path objects on the JVM, and Web/API/File on JS.

The content type of each part is by default the same as when setting simple bodies: text/plain for parts of type String, application/x-www-form-urlencoded for parts of key-value pairs (form data) and application/octet-stream otherwise (for binary data).

The parts can be specified using either a Seq[Multipart] or by using multiple arguments:

def multipartBody(ps: Seq[Multipart])
def multipartBody(p1: Multipart, ps: Multipart*)

For example:

  multipart("text_part", "data1"),
  multipartFile("file_part", someFile), // someFile: File
  multipart("form_part", Map("x" -> "10", "y" -> "yes"))

Customising part meta-data

For each part, an optional filename can be specified, as well as a custom content type and additional headers. The following methods are available on Multipart instances:

case class Multipart {
  def fileName(v: String): Multipart
  def contentType(v: String): Multipart
  def header(k: String, v: String): Multipart

For example:

  multipartFile("logo", logoFile).fileName("logo.jpg").contentType("image/jpg"),
  multipartFile("text", docFile).fileName("text.doc")